

EOL Notice: LANC505R3 & LANC512RD3

We would like to inform you of the discontinuation of the following products:   Discontinued Model Recommended Replacement LANC505R3 LANC505W3 LANC512RD3 LANC512RD3-AB   Reason for Discontinuation: EOL of internally used components   Termination Date: 12/31/2016 Last Time to Buy: 12/31/2016...
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Wall Industries Inc. Launches It’s Brand New Website

  Exeter, NH, September 19, 2016– Wall Industries Inc. is thrilled to announce the launch of its new website. Wall’s new site exhibits many new features including a highly operational search function, a new blog, improved industry pages, and enhanced...
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Custom Solutions

Wall Industries, Inc. offers fully custom power design capabilities. Our team of electrical and mechanical power design engineers will utilize proven design topologies and concepts to create a solution to your power requirements. If you don’t have a specification, Wall’s engineering team will assist you in determining what your requirements are and how best to provide a solution.

Custom Power Supplies
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